Tuesday 1 May 2012

Notes from a small vigil - 30 April

Tonight  (Monday 30 April) we again prayed for and with those who engage with this vigil from places other than outside the Cathedral. They are scattered across Scotland from the borders in the south  to as far north as Inverness, and perhaps are feeling more isolated than the few who meet at the Cathedral.

(The most southerly known participants are in the Midlands - 4 May.) 

We prayed again with the gospels of yesterday and today - the good shepherd, who comes that we have life and have it to the full.  (Earlier in the day, I'd been  reflecting on my experience of yesterday's Collect here.) After the period of silence we prayed for those in roles of shepherd, and as always  for those who are silenced and those doing the silencing.

As we prayed we watched families play on the sculpture of the foot (photo here) - the parents showing what shepherding of children is: the children climbing and sliding; a kaleidoscope of fun and of intensity, of accompanying, guiding, catching, encouraging, laughter.

Tonight we prayed for this kind of shepherding for the children of God..

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